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Maxim Ilyashenko MA Psy UKCP, EMDR.
Jungian Psychotherapist in Shoreditch, London

I am a registered Hypnotherapist and EMDR practitioner with a Certificate from the London college of clinical hypnosis. Also I am a member of General Hypnotherapy Register and Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) as Hypnotherapist.
I charge for an initial consultation 80 pounds for 60-80 minutes and you can book it here.
What is Hypnosis?
Healing by trance state has been acknowledged for centuries and has been observed, in one form or another, in virtually every culture throughout the world. However, the term ‘hypnosis’ (from the Greek ‘hypnos’, meaning ‘sleep’) was only coined around 1840 and remains a somewhat less than accurate description of the experience as, in most respects, the hypnotic state is entirely dissimilar to sleep. ‘Hypnosis is a state of mind, enhanced by (although not exclusively) mental and physical relaxation, in which our subconscious is able to communicate with our conscious mind’. This state of mind may be brought about either by oneself unaided (self-hypnosis) or with the help of another person. If this other person is a trained professional, who utilises the resultant state to encourage beneficial change to occur, the process is referred to as ‘hypnotherapy’.
What is Hypnotherapy?
There are many forms of psychological therapy but hypnotherapy is distinctive in that it attempts to address the client’s subconscious mind. In practice, the hypnotherapist often (but not exclusively) requires the client to be in a relaxed state, frequently enlists the power of the client’s own imagination and may utilise a wide range of techniques from storytelling, metaphor or symbolism (judged to be meaningful to the individual client) to the use of direct suggestions for beneficial change. Regardless of the techniques employed, perhaps the most important thing is that a client should expect to feel comfortable and at ease with their therapist. This is of particular importance in hypnotherapy, in which the value of the treatment is greatly enhanced when there is confidence in the practitioner. For this reason I recommend to book an initial consultation, and you are free to decide if you wish to proceed with more. Unlike many other psychological therapies, hypnotherapy is generally considered to be a fairly short-term approach in which beneficial change, if it is to occur, should become apparent within a relatively few sessions.
Who can be hypnotised?
The answer to this question is undoubtedly virtually everyone. This claim must, however, be qualified by the observation that some are more readily hypnotisable than others and that it will also depend upon one’s willingness to be hypnotised at the time.
Who may benefit from Hypnotherapy?
Again, the answer to this question is virtually everyone. Given that hypnotherapy can be utilised to access a person’s inner potential and that probably no one is performing to their actual potential, then this answer is literally true. However, it is not just potential which hypnotherapy is well placed to address but also one’s inner resources to effect beneficial change. In this regard, it is the innate healing capacity of our own body that may be stimulated by hypnotherapy. Consequently, the list of problems which may be amenable to hypnotherapy is far too long and varied to catalogue but certainly includes: anxiety, panic, phobias, unwanted habits and addictions (e.g. smoking, overeating, alcoholism), disrupted sleep patterns, lack of confidence and low selfesteem, fear of examinations and public speaking, allergies and skin disorders, migraine and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Additionally, it has proved of value within surgery, where normal anaesthetics have not been practical, in the wider sphere of pain management and in the areas of both sporting and artistic performance enhancement. As an adjunct to other counselling techniques, it can also assist in helping to resolve relationship difficulties and be useful within anger management strategies. Although there remain many other areas of human suffering in which hypnotherapy may bring relief, there are instances in which it may be contraindicated. These could include some manifestations of depressive illness, epilepsy, psychosis (e.g. schizophrenia) and some breathing problems.
Some Common Concerns
Clients are sometimes concerned that they will ‘lose control’ in hypnosis. However, general consensus indicates that regardless of how deeply people may go in hypnosis and however passive they may appear to be, they actually remain in full control of the situation. They are fully able to talk if they wish to (or not, as the case may be) and can terminate the session, stand up and leave the room at any time. Neither can a hypnotised person be made to do anything against their usual ethical or moral judgement or religious belief. It is likely that the notion of a loss of control stems from most people’s misconception of stage hypnosis, wherein participants are apparently persuaded to perform all manner of (usually foolish) acts. However, the reader should be aware that participation in a stage act is an entirely voluntary process (thus ‘permission’ is already given to the hypnotist) and that there can be no such volunteer who is unaware of exactly what they are letting themselves in for!
Also I offer Past life regression hypnosis (up to 90 minutes 120 pounds)
Besides, I follow the Code of Ethics of the General hypnotherapy council and CNHM with respect to client privacy and strict confidentiality.
I charge for an initial consultation 80 pounds for 50 minutes and you can book it here.

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